Smart Contract Examples Reddit

As the world becomes increasingly digital, traditional contracts are being replaced by smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. With their ability to automate the execution of contract terms, smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct business. In this article, we will explore some smart contract examples found on Reddit.

1. Ether Cards

Ether Cards is a marketplace for digital collectibles powered by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform allows users to purchase and trade digital cards that can represent anything from artwork to music albums. Each card is a unique token that can be transferred and owned by users, providing a transparent and secure way for creators to monetize their digital content.

2. Dharma

Dharma is a decentralized lending platform that allows users to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies through a smart contract. The platform uses collateralized debt positions (CDPs), which allows borrowers to deposit cryptocurrency as collateral and receive a loan in return. The smart contract serves as an intermediary between the borrower and the lender, ensuring that the terms of the loan are met.

3. Ujo Music

Ujo Music is a music rights management platform that uses smart contracts to help artists manage their royalties. The platform allows artists to upload their music to the blockchain and distribute it to various streaming platforms. Smart contracts are used to ensure that artists are paid the royalties they are entitled to, while also providing a transparent and decentralized system for music rights management.

4. Augur

Augur is a decentralized prediction market platform that uses smart contracts to allow users to bet on the outcome of events. The platform allows users to create markets for any event, ranging from sports games to political elections. Smart contracts are used to enforce the outcome of the event, ensuring that all bets are settled in a transparent and fair manner.

5. Gnosis

Gnosis is a prediction market platform that uses smart contracts to allow users to trade in any future event. The platform allows users to create markets for any event and trade in the outcome of the event. Smart contracts are used to ensure that the outcome of the event is determined in a transparent and fair manner, while also providing a decentralized platform for prediction market trading.


The examples of smart contracts found on Reddit demonstrate the potential of this technology to revolutionize the way we conduct business. From digital collectibles to decentralized lending platforms, smart contracts have the potential to provide a transparent and secure way for individuals to conduct business. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, smart contracts are likely to become an increasingly important part of our daily lives.