Frustrated Contract Act Singapore

The Frustrated Contract Act Singapore: Understanding the Legal Implications

Contracts are an essential part of any business transaction, serving as a legally binding agreement between two parties. However, certain circumstances may arise that render a contract impossible to fulfill, leading to frustration and the inability to fulfill the terms of the agreement. This is where the Frustrated Contract Act Singapore comes into play, providing guidance on how to handle such situations.

What is the Frustrated Contract Act Singapore?

The Frustrated Contract Act Singapore is a piece of legislation that deals with circumstances where a contract becomes impossible to fulfill due to unforeseen and uncontrollable events. These events are often outside the control of either party and may include natural disasters, war, or the death of a party involved.

The Act applies to all types of contracts, including employment, construction, and insurance agreements. In such situations, the act safeguards the interests of both parties by offering a remedy for the loss caused by the frustration of the contract.

What Constitutes Frustration of a Contract?

A contract may be frustrated if the purpose of the agreement is negated by circumstances beyond the control of either party. This can occur if the contract becomes impossible to fulfill, illegal, or fundamentally different from what was expected.

For example, if a building contract is entered into, and before the building is completed, a natural disaster occurs and destroys the building, the contract may be considered frustrated. In such circumstances, neither party can fulfill their obligations, and compensation can be sought.

What are the Legal Implications of a Frustrated Contract?

Under the Frustrated Contract Act Singapore, the aggrieved party may apply for relief under the Act. The Court may order the return of any money that has been paid under the contract, and any property that has been transferred under the agreement can be returned. If one party has incurred costs in the preparation of the contract, compensation for such expenses can be sought.

The Singapore Court has also held that parties are still liable for obligations that existed before the frustration of the contract. For example, if an employee resigns after the contract has become frustrated, the employer is still liable to pay for any work done before the termination of the agreement.


The Frustrated Contract Act Singapore provides a remedy for parties in a contract that has become impossible to fulfill due to unforeseen and uncontrollable events. It is essential to seek guidance from a legal professional if you believe that a contract has been frustrated. Failure to do so may result in loss and legal complications.