Contract Brewing Nz

Contract brewing is an innovative solution for those who want to bring their beer to the market but don’t have the facilities or expertise to brew it themselves. In New Zealand, contract brewing has gained popularity over the years, with many breweries offering their services to small business owners and startups. In this article, we will explore what contract brewing is, its advantages, and how it works in New Zealand.

What is Contract Brewing?

Contract brewing is a business model that allows brewers to use the facilities of an established brewery to brew their beer. Under this model, the contract brewer provides the recipe and ingredients, while the host brewery provides the equipment, space, and labor to produce the beer.

Advantages of Contract Brewing

Contract brewing has several benefits for brewers, especially for those who are just starting. Firstly, it reduces the need for capital investment, as the contract brewer doesn’t have to purchase or lease expensive equipment. Secondly, it offers flexibility in terms of production volume, allowing brewers to scale production to meet demand without having to worry about capacity limitations. Finally, it allows brewers to enter the market quickly and at a lower cost, which is especially beneficial for those with limited resources.

How Contract Brewing Works in New Zealand

In New Zealand, there are several breweries that offer contract brewing services to small business owners and startups. The process starts with the contract brewer approaching the host brewery with their recipe and brewing needs. Once the two parties agree on the terms, the host brewery provides the equipment and space to brew the beer. The contract brewer provides the ingredients and pays for the labor involved in brewing and packaging the beer. The host brewery may also offer additional services such as storage, labeling, and distribution for an extra fee.


Contract brewing is an excellent option for those who want to bring their beer to the market without having to invest in expensive equipment and facilities. In New Zealand, there are several breweries that offer contract brewing services, making it easier for small business owners and startups to enter the market quickly and at a lower cost. With its many advantages, contract brewing is sure to continue growing in popularity in the years to come.